Apply for a credit Need to expand
your business?
Offer yourself the financing
adapted to your needs

Apply for a credit INDIVIDUAL LOAN Always at your side to
develop your business

Apply for a credit HOUSING LOAN Finance your real estate
projects according to your needs

Need to expand your business?

Offer yourself the financing adapted to your needs

Looking to improve your home?

Finance your real estate projects

Request a callback!

Information request


The ARRAWAJ Foundation for Inclusive Finance is a non-profit Microcredit Association, governed by the Dahir of November 15, 1958, and the Law No. 18-97 relating to the practice of microcredit activity. It was established in 1996 and was authorized to engage in microcredit activities by Ministerial Order on March 10, 2000.

Key Figures

0 Billions
Dirhams of funded projects
Accompanied entrepreneurs

The ARRAWAJ Foundation for Inclusive Finance is a non-profit Microcredit Association, governed by the Dahir of November 15, 1958, and the Law No. 18-97 relating to the practice of microcredit activity. It was established in 1996 and was authorized to engage in microcredit activities by Ministerial Order on March 10, 2000.

Key Figures

0 Billions
Dirhams of funded projects
Accompanied entrepreneurs

How to Apply for a credit ?

an appointment

Locate an agency and make an appointment

Go to
an agency

Discuss with your advisor and find out about our offers

your request

Prepare your file
and submit your request

an appointment
Locate an agency and make an appointment
Go to
an agency
Discuss with your advisor and find out about our offers
your request
Prepare your file and submit your request


We finance your projects

Slide MOUSSANADA CREDIT Learn more Guarantee the growth of your business Slide Learn more Transform your ambitions by purchasing your vehicle TAWSSIL CREDIT Slide HABITAT+ CREDIT Discover the financing that helps you acquire your property Learn more


Guarantee the growth of your business


Transform your ambitions by purchasing your vehicle


Discover the financing that helps you acquire your property

We offer you digital financial services
with high added value

What is Madmoun?

How to pay your
deadline on Madmoun?

Discover the account payment Madmoun

What is Madmoun?

How to pay your
loan installment on MADMOUN

Discover the account payment Madmoun

Payment account accessible
24/7 from a mobile application,
offering a range of financial services.

Qu’est ce que le compte Madmoun ?

We accompany you

Exhibition space

The exhibition space is a vital component of our development strategy focused on our non-financial services. At the Arrawaj Foundation, we consistently prioritize our clients' needs and place them at the center of our concerns.



Local products

Customer testimonials

Discover the testimonials of our customers


"I have purchased a plot of land in Tahanaout, and I am thrilled to begin the construction work today."



"The Arrawaj Foundation helped me develop my cooperative for carpet weaving and clothing production. Their financial and moral support greatly contributed to the growth of my project. Thank you all."

Abdel aziz


"Thanks to the support of the Arrawaj Foundation, I was able to create my workshop and work independently. The loan allowed me to purchase equipment and grow my project. Proud of my journey, I aim to promote my products both nationally and internationally."


Discover our latest news.

Our Mission

Discover how we turn our
mission into reality.

Our Partners


Relaunch of microcredit: $15 million from the IFC for the Arrawaj Foundation
La Société financière internationale envisage d’accorder un prêt de 15 millions de dollars à la Fondation Arrawaj, la troisième plus grande institution de microfinance du pays... Lire la suite

Visit of Her Majesty Queen “Maxima” of the Netherlands
Sa Majesté la Reine “Maxima” des Pays-Bas s’est rendue au Maroc, en tant que Secrétaire Générale Adjointe des Nations Unies et Défenseur Spécial de l’Inclusion Financière pour le Développement (UNSGSA) Lire la suite
International Agricultural Show (SIAM)
La Fondation Albaraka a participé à la 14ème édition du Salon International de l’Agriculture (SIAM) tenu à Meknès du Mardi 16 au Dimanche 21 Avril 2019 sous le thème « l’Agriculture, levier d’emploi et avenir du monde rural». Lire la suite
Arab day for financial inclusion
La 3ème édition de la journée arabe de l’inclusion financière aura lieu du 22 au 27 Avril 2019 sous le thème « la nouvelle technologie et son utilité pour rendre l’inclusion financière plus accessible » Lire la suite

Our Partners